Nutrition Coaching
Let’s face it: eating right is difficult, especially in this day and age. Our busy culture has led to needing fast, convenient, hyper-palatable food, which is typically going to be fast food restaurants or food from a box/can. If you work with me, I can teach you how to have all of those things, AND become healthier in the process! Click below to learn more about all of our individual nutrition programs! 🙂
What Does Nutrition Coaching Include?
Weekly Calendar
You will receive a weekly calendar snapshot, highlighting the meals you will be eating day by day! In this example, the client will be enjoying breakfast, lunch, a snack, and dinner.
Itemized Grocery List
You will receive an in-depth grocery list for the week. With your list, you will be able to make every meal listed in the plan. This saves you time and money in the grocery store, as well as helps you avoid those unnecessary snacks.
Individual Recipes
Once your Nutrition Coach understands your dietary/nutritional needs, along with your individual food preferences, you will receive different in-depth recipes every week! Every recipe includes serving size, ingredients, nutritional info, recipe directions, as well as any pertinent notes for that recipe (substitutions, how to serve, etc.).
Coaching Programs
Arthritis Support Program
Program Overview
A program designed to help clients with arthritis lower inflammation and manage symptoms.
Meal planning for clients with arthritis is important to help manage joint pain and fatigue. This program includes essential minerals and vitamins that support bone health and prevent or manage osteoporosis, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C.
Anti-inflammatory foods like omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants are added to help clients with inflammatory arthritis by alleviating joint stiffness and pain.
Immunity Boost Program
Program Overview
An antioxidant-rich, nutrient-dense meal plan to support a healthy immune system.
The immune system relies on many nutrients to do its job. This program has been intentionally designed to include a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support the immune system.
Key nutrients include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, and selenium.
Mediterranean Program
Program Overview
A heart-healthy diet packed with vegetables, olive oil, and quality protein.
Our Mediterranean Diet is built with high-fiber, nutrient-dense foods including fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Heart-healthy fats are provided by fatty fish, olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds. Quality protein from dairy, poultry, and fish is also consumed to round out the diet.
Healthy Digestion Program
Program Overview
A program designed to get that belly feeling beautiful.
Gut health is so important. If the gut is unhealthy, every aspect of overall health can become compromised from immunity, to skin quality and even mental health.
This program gives the gut a break from common irritants like grains and legumes. It incorporates gut-loving nutrients like collagen and glutamine. We’ve also added fermented foods to help replenish the gut with good bacteria.